
BYU-I High Altitude Research Team


Flight Regulations & NOTAMS

This section contains instructions for filing a NOTAM(Notice To Airman)
and all pertentant FAA regulations for Free and Tethered Baloons.
Make sure to keep this page up to date!

Regulations for Free Baloon flights

These are the need to know notes, the full regs are linked at the bottom of each section if you need them.

Most Important

  • Get ATC permission (101.33a)
  • Mostly clear day (use cut-down if it changes) (101.33b & 101.35a)
        NOTE: Cloud height of 60,000ft or greater required
  • Do not launch near lots of people (101.33d).
  • You must have two independant cut-downs (101.35a1)
        NOTE: For us the second "cut-down" is the baloon popping
  • The baloon must be radar reflective in the 200-2700MHz range (101.35a3)
  • Must not have a rope attached that is longer than 50ft (101.35c & d)

NOTAM Instructions and Questions

Current NOTAM number: 1-877-487-6867
When your ready to file the NOTAM, call the number above and tell them you would like to file a NOTAM
for a free unmanned baloon flight, Answer all questions asked. At the end of the call you will be given a NOTAM number
Make sure to write this down, if you did not get it all, ask them to repeat it.
They will then sign off by asking for your initals, they will then respond with theirs and hang up

These are a list of all questions the FAA agent may ask you.
What you will be asked will depend on who you get on the phone. I have put a star(*) next to things you will always be asked.
Make sure to file the NOTAM 24hrs minimum before launch unless a critical time element is happening (northern lights, eclispe, etc.)

If you need to change anything about a NOTAM call the same number as above and say you need to update a NOTAM
they will ask for the NOTAM number, repeat that to them. They will then ask what you want to change. Once you complete
updating any information they will give you a new NOTAM number and sign off as the same as noted above.


  • Balloon identification. *
        NOTE: They want to know that we are the BYU-I Physics dept.
  • Estimated Launch Time. *
        NOTE: Make sure to specify Mountan time, you may have an agnet on the east coast.
  • Location of Launch *
        NOTE: They will want coordnets, make sure they are in Hours, Minutes, Seconds.
  • Cruising Altitude *
        NOTE: Asnwer this one "Unlimited", as we want the baloon to go as heigh as possible
  • Forecasted trajectory or Direction of travel *
        NOTE: they want a compas directin, as in "North East" or "East North East".
  • Duration of Flight *
        NOTE: Free Baloon flights typicly last 2 hrs.
  • Length and diamiter of baloon
        NOTE: You can esitmate the payload len, we are usaly between 15-25ft.
        Find diamiter info to insert here
  • Weight of payload
        NOTE: Use the payload weight in Kg or Lbs on your pre-flight check list.
  • Time and location of impact with Earth
        NOTE: Use the info from the flight precictor to give this, it is estimated.
  • Phone number
        NOTE: Give them the fligt lead or the advising professors number.